24 February, 2012

Give us football

We don't want a Champions League winning team.
We don't want a Liga I Bergenbier winning team.

We just want a football team. One that creates dreams, that makes us suffer, exult, have a heart attack, hug the people around us, all in a single game.
We just want to sing, to jump, to shout, everything for our team and colors (blue and white, bianco azzurri, alb-albastru ).
 In fact, we don't want this. We need it.
We are mad. Mad about football.

We want to go home after games, on foot, singing and shouting, waving flags, after a measly 1-0 win against the last team in the league.
We want to celebrate. Our team. Football. The supporters. Everything.
We are better people with football, we are more passionate, more considerate, more loving, all thanks to having a team to support and to the beauty of football.  

I don't know who's fault it for the lack of football in Craiova: the owner's, the federation's, the league's... We don't care and it doesn't matter.


23 February, 2012

A loving letter

Dear RS200,

I'm sorry to tell you, but you were not Ford's best rally car. The Mk 2 Escort is so, so much deserving of our passion. The little sedan, with a short and narrow wheelbase and a soft suspension, is the stuff rally dreams are made of. It's like a Mini with a trunk/boot.

The way it corners, it sways around, the way it over-steers, the swaying motion of the suspension in corner... it shows flow, passion, life.

Just look at it through an S-curve... it's like a woman's hips walking towards you. Pure, unadulterated mechanical sound and moves. You cannot beat that. Sure, you are one of the most technically advanced Group B rally car, but that doesn't mean a thing. The coldness of the 4x4 system, the lack of body roll, the absurd numbers(speed, power, torque, acceleration) are all nice, but when it's all done, you don't see the heart in there.

It's like a lingerie model. Sure, she looks very pretty and many dream of her, but wouldn't you rather go home to the love of your life, that little, imperfect for others but perfect for you, wife of yours?

A very, very happy fan,
PS: Don't be sad, we still love you for what you are.

Below, a lovely video of Group B rally cars, filmed 5 days ago, in Belgium, via Jalopnik.